Hoppin' Into 3rd Grade??

You might be wondering why my blog is called, "Hoppin' Into 3rd Grade!"  Well, when I first began teaching, I walked into the giant teacher store, and after walking around for a few minutes hours, I noticed there were lots of frog themed items.  You guessed it...my classroom is frog themed!  It wasn't because I loved frogs, it's just because I was able to get lots of frog themed things when I spent that giant chunk o' change that first year of teaching.  The theme has grown into a crazy amount of froggy goodness thanks to my sweetie-pie students.  I have stuffed frogs galore, frog art, frog sculptures, frog jewelry...you name it, I've probably got your frog themed item!  So, I've just stuck with it and truthfully, frogs have grown on me too!  I will never change it! :)

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