Mrs. Aslin

My name is Amanda Aslin and I am thrilled to be teaching your child in 3rd grade this year here at SRE!  Although this will be my first year teaching 3rd grade, it will be my 9th year at Sendera Ranch and my 12th year in the classroom.  I spent 8 years teaching 1st grade, 1 year in 2nd grade, and 2 years in Special Education.  Even though I am the teacher, my students have taught me so much! My passion for teaching has grown because of each one of them!

Teaching is a passion for me!  I truly believe it is what God put me on earth to do!  Your precious ones are put in my care for a whole year!  They deserve the best!  Please know that when your child walks into my classroom, they will be loved and taken care of.
My Teaching Philosophy

"Children are a gift from the Lord.  They are a reward from Him."
Psalm 127:3

"Your place of influence does not have to stop with the children who live in your home." 
-- Lauren Pinkston 

"Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere."
-- Chinese Proverb

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